Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Creative Ad!

Week 6-Random Words

Problem: To create a Scary image that will scared people.
Word: Kitten
The only thing that is scary about cats-in my opinion-is their eyes so I choose this image for it:

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week 5-The Art Of Juxtaposition

The art of juxtaposition simply means combining features or parts of 2 or more things, which could be anything, such as animals, objects, and also humans. The new combination would be unique, however it carries properties of its components. It is as if the DNA of things has been changed and new genes are added to them.If you have watched the animation "How to train your dragon" you could clearly see how widely this technique is used in designing all the dragon characters. The main dragon character "toothless" has the eyes of a cat, wings of a bat, skin of a reptile, and it looks like a lizard. Sometimes it is pretty complicated to break down the character to its individual components, since it could be made out of so many things.


Juxtaposition (literary), synonymous with contrast, two objects or texts that oppose one another

In linguistics and semantics, contrast is a relationship between two discourse segments. Contrast is often overtly marked by markers such as but or however, such as in the following examples:

1. It's raining, but I am not taking an umbrella.

2. We will be giving a party for our new students. We won't, however, be serving drinks.

3. The student knew about the test on Friday, but still he did not study.


During our last lecture session ,we did a very interesting exercise. First, we choose any pair of number which is from 00 until 99. Then we replace the number with the certain object which have been given . We are asked to make any sentence or statement of these two things or object. Then we visualize those statement with pictures of the scene . The following step is also the same, we draw the pictures but this time, the pictures or image we draw must making people say the 2 things or objects that we have choose randomly .

The first digit of number:
1. Flower
2. lighting
3. ice
4. light
5. fire
6. duck
7. dog
8. oil
9. leave
0. fly

The second digit of number:
1. water
2. rock
3. wind
4. mountain
5. wind
6. spider
7. tree
8. wood
9. rain
0. head

My chosen numbers:
16: Flower and Spider
50: Fire and Head
38: Ice and Wood

First section: Making a sentence or a statement by using the 2 objects.

1.Flower and Spider
The spider is on the flower

2.Fire and Head
My friend's head is on fire.

3.Ice and Wood
An ice is melting on the wood.

Section two: Draw a picture which makes the people say the two objects.

1.Flower + Spider

2.Fire + Head

3.ice + Wood

Week 4 - Associated Mind Map

A mortar and pestle is a tool used to crush, grind, and mix solid substances (trituration). The pestle is a heavy bat-shaped object, the end of which is used for crushing and grinding. The mortar is a bowl, typically made of hard wood, marble, clay, or stone. The substance to be ground is placed in the mortar and ground, crushed or mixed with the pestle.
To consider a mortar and a pestle as a topic for an Associated Mind Map it is easy to see how we can create connections between things that are not directly related .An example of Mortar and Pestle can be a Dj Turntable:
The Vinyl is the mortar and the cartridge is the pestle

What is mind map?
Mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged radically around a central key word or idea.
Why mind map?
- a useful technique that improves the way you take notes, supports and enhances your creative problem solving.
- can quickly identify and understand the structure of a subject.- In a format that your mind finds easy to remember and quick to review.
- Summarizing information
- Consolidating information from different research sources
- Thinking through complex problem
- Presenting information in a format that shows the overall structure of your subject.

How to do mind map?
- Use just keywords or wherever possible images
- Start from the center of the page and work out.- Make the center a clear and strong visual image that depicts the general theme of the map
- Create sub-centers for sub-themes
- Put keywords on lines
- Use arrows, icons or other visual aids to show links between different elements
- Be creative. Creativity aids memory

This is the mind map we were suppose to make for our creative studies exercise.
I used mind map a lot in my works and it helped me unexpectedly because I never thought it would be useful which now I know how useful it is.
Below you can see a very good example of a logical mind map which is about Skills of Mind and it is very interesting if you read it.

Week 2-Creativity,Novelty and Innovation

Creativity: The ability of creating something new.
Novelty: Something new and unusual.
Innovation: Process by which an idea or invention is translated into a good or service for which people will pay. To be called an innovation, an idea must be replicable at an economical cost and must satisfy a specific need. Innovation involves delib
erate application of information, imagination, and initiative in deriving greater or different value from resources, and encompasses all processes by which new ideas are generated and converted into useful products.

So,as we can see you can have creativity to create something new which will be useful,nice or unique for you or small number of people around you;But when you create something which is useful,nice or unique for the people around the globe that would be Novelty and when you create something and then after a while you improve it and make it better and eliminate it's mistakes,that is called Innovation.


Week 1- Defining Creativity

The word Creativity means the ability to create.
Generally Creativity is the ability of a person to be creative, take part in creating, or be useful in a creative network of other people. It is very difficult to measure, and some think it should not be measured. The reason is that creativity can not be defined - although several attempts have been made, a shared definition of the concept of creativity still comes up short.

Overall,creativity and being creative share a same and major meaning which is : Creating something or in my opinion Creating something new which no one else has ever created.
